Crunch Challenge

The delightful Sulagna Misra (the Luck), the brilliant Alex Laverty (Smarts) and myself (our Heart) recently won a grant paired with entry into a groundbreaking course at the Annenberg Innovation Lab for our spring semester. The class is titled “Digital Design and Innovation” and lovingly nick-named The Crunch Challenge after it’s pioneering lecture series. So now, our team now has $3000 to build a project we’ve been brainstorming on for six months and wishing for our entire graduate school career. Our goal is to create a platform that enhances public diplomacy debate and connects practitioners, scholars, and diplomats in training worldwide.

As part of the course, we were required to take the Heart, Smarts, Guts, and Luck Entrepreneurial Aptitude Test. Similar to any Myers-Brigss type test, as we each discovered our identities on the entrepreneurial scale and we realized a well-rounded team has diverse elements (so we’re currently searching for our “Guts”; if interested, please inquire within).


Our next step was to present our elevator pitch to the class which, although entertaining, revealed some gaps in our plans. So, it was back to the drawing board. I’ll keep you posted as we progress!


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